newton's cradle

Thursday, 29 August 2013

tribute to

General Jo Apple - He owns an apple orchard.
General Jo Bunn - He owns an orchard where his trees grow graham buns and wheat buns in both the hot and cold variety. Jo Bunn is married and has children.
General Jo Cone - He owns an orchard where he grows ice cream cones. His wife is a good fighter.
General Jo Clock - He owns an orchard that contains Clock Trees. He was the one who suggested to Queen Ann Soforth to make colonels out of the rest of the latest recruits.
Colonel Jo Plum - He owns a plum orchard.
Colonel Jo Egg - He owns an orchard where his trees grow eggs.
Colonel Jo Banjo - He owns an orchard where his trees grow banjos.
Colonel Jo Cheese - He owns an orchard where his trees grow cheese.
Major Jo Nail - He owns an orchard where his trees grow nails. He suggested to Queen Ann Soforth to make him a major.
Major Jo Cake - He owns an orchard where his trees grow cakes.
Major Jo Ham - He owns an orchard where his trees grow hams.
Major Jo Stockings - He owns an orchard where his trees grow stockings.
Captain Jo Sandwich - He owns an orchard where his trees grow sandwiches.
Captain Jo Padlock - He owns an orchard where his trees grow padlocks.
Captain Jo Sundae - He owns an orchard where his trees grow sundaes.
Captain Jo Buttons - He owns an orchard where his trees grow buttons.
Private Jo Files - He owns an orchard where his trees grow steel files and also has trees that grow storybooks. Jo Files is both intelligent and ambitious. After Private Files resigns, Tik-Tok is made a private in the army.


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